Monday, March 10, 2008

Kelly's Bachelorette Weekend

This past weekend was Kelly's bachelorette party in New Orleans. Luckily I only went for Saturday night because there is no way I could have done that two nights in a row. I tried to just put appropriate pictures on here since this is my family blog. But just know that a good time was had by all. We basically partied from sun up to sun down and almost to sun up again. Crazy wild weekend but it was an absolute blast!!!

Jump for Heart

The boys participated in a Jump for Heart event at their school. Both boys did a good job and I even got to get out there and jump with them.

Hannah Montana 3-D Movie

One day after school we took the kids to see the Hannah Montana movie in 3-D. All the kids enjoyed the movie and thought wearing the 3-D glasses was so cool. Even Cullen kept them on for a while. It's amazing what he will do when he has a bag of popcorn and a drink in hand.

Ice Skating

The kids good friend Taylor Krenzelok had her 7th birthday at the skating rink. I wasn't sure the boys would be willing to get out on the ice. But much to my surprise they did and weren't too bad. Preston was actually ok and could keep his balance. Tanner on the other hand was a little on the wild side. Not much control at all but atleast he attempted it. I was very proud of them.

Kevin and Cullen watching from outside the rink.

Cullen's 2nd Birthday

On February 7th Cullen celebrated his 2nd birthday. I can't believe he is already 2 yrs. old even though he's the size of a 4 yr. old. It seems like yesterday I was coming home from the hospital with him. But don't get real excited...poor thing almost didn't even get a cake. But thank God for GoGo and she whipped together some cupcakes and a cookie cake and we celebrated it after Skyler's ice skating lesson at the mall. So that's why it looks like he had a party. Thank God he has a ton of siblings because it looks like he had quite a party.