Cullen had a MRI done on his back this past week at Texas Children's Hospital. He has a mark on his lower back that the dermatologist wanted to make sure wasn't the cause of something internal. After the results, we found out that Cullen has a VERY SUBTLE form of spina bifida occulta. Which is really nothing and sounds a whole lot worse than it really is. All it really means is a minor fault involving one vertebra in the lower back. It is very common and there is no treatment for it and they do nothing for it. In fact doctors believe that a lot of people have it and don't ever find out about it.
This is Cullen before any of the pricking started. Just as happy as can be.

This is Cullen after they put his IV in his arm after a failed attempt in his foot. I felt really bad for Cullen because they had a real hard time finding a vein because he is so chuncky. It's hard getting through all that meat on his bones.
This was Cullen after the hour long procedure was over. Sleeping like a baby.

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