Thursday, July 5, 2007

Disney Land in Tokyo

Since we got there before the doors opened, this is us waiting outside the gates to get in.

Skyler sportin her minnie overalls her GoGo gave her.

Me and the kids in front of the princess castle.

Waiting to get inside the 3-D show...hence all the dumb looking glasses.

A before picture of Cullen.

And here's the after. He got about a 10 minute nap all day. But he was a trooper.

Having lunch with Woody, Jesse and their friends.

This is a picture of the boys dancing with all the crazy Japanese people at lunch with Woody. Neither boy really wanted to do it but they pulled them up there anyway.

Having an ice cream break.

Waiting for the parade to start.

This is the kids in the hotel room after our long day at Disney Land. They were completely worn out but I think we were just as worn out if not more.

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